Registration and Incorporation of Companies for Gold and Diamonds Trade

Registration and Incorporation of Companies for Gold and Diamonds Businesses

Registration and Incorporation of Companies for Gold and Diamonds Businesses

Our company GOLDIVANTI LP is since 2009. in business of gold and diamonds. We have helped businessmen worldwide to learn about gold and diamonds trade. Since 2013, we are helping businessmen to understand how to start in gold mining, within the program Start Your Own Gold Mine.

We can help with incorporation and registration of a company for gold and diamonds trade or for gold and diamonds mining, in the following areas of the world:

Many of our connections in our networks are gold brokers and intermediaries and facilitators. This group of people desire to earn commissions and awards by bringing together buyers and sellers of gold. But often is this group of businessmen not prepared for business. They sometimes lack a bank account or proper contracts, intermediary agreements, sometimes they do not have an appropriate company for gold and diamonds trade. That is where we can help. With network of our agents and representatives in various areas of the world, we can quickly help you register such a trading or mining company.

We help the buyers and sellers, including brokers, to commence their business in a professional way. We can bring buyers to diamonds and gold. But that is a travel. Do not even ask to facilitate or help you on distance. I am sorry. You need to be ready to travel to gain benefits.

True buyers always travel to first examine what they are buying. Remember that as a paramount principle in this business. Gold refineries are refineries, they may buy your gold, but they are not exploring new opportunities and that is why refineries' representatives rarely travel the world.

Our services here are for the active businessmen who wish to take advantage of our Know-How and our business network.

You could be dealing with gold and diamonds within a week

What you see on this video here are my hands, gold coins of one troy ounce and gold bullion or gold bars of 250 grams each and one gold bar of 100 grams. This is the gold bought in Austria. I have made a video during the first months of 2012, in the city of Graz in Austria.

You could be dealing legally with business permissions in the European Union already within a week. We help businessmen worldwide, to open, incorporate, register a company for gold and diamonds trade in many countries of the European Union, be it: United Kingdom, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Estonia, Sweden, you name it. We can incorporate and register a company for you in any of those countries.

Support Services for Gold and Diamonds Business

We provide a full and support within European Union to help gold buyers, gold sellers, gold brokers or intermediaries, including diamond traders, to legally and under your own ownership register a company and commence the business.

Our support is details. That means, we can bring you to major, world known gold refineries, you can learn how to sell gold for best prices such as 1% less the LBMA market price or simply for 100% of the gold market price. We help our clients to learn how to sell the other types of precious metals.

You can sell any of the following precious metals

And then all other precious metals, such as silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium.

Not only that you can get a ready or new company to trade with gold and diamonds, but we bring you to sources of gold and diamonds in Europe and help you with the begin and commencing of your business.

That means, that you will immediately jump into the business. You do not need to search long for sources of gold, silver, platinum, palladium or rhodium, you will meet the people and their companies. You will understand how people acquire precious metals and how they have a need for benefits to sell the gold and precious metals as quickly as possible.

You do not need to be a citizen of European Union to register a company in the European Union. The same is valid for United States, Canada, Central America, Africa and New Zealand.

Service for Diamond Traders

Anyone who wish to get in touch with true and real diamond buyers, diamond polishers, and diamond traders, may get in touch with us, to be introduced to them. With the service of incorporation of a company with us, you will get introduced to right people, and you will know where to bring your diamonds to get them polished by triple X quality or where to bring diamonds to sell them for the right prices.

With proper understanding of the business, it may become possible to purchase diamonds in one day and sell them on the other day. Do not think this is any easy task. One has to invest few thousand of dollars just to first meet the right people.

Buying diamonds in Namibia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Ghana or other country, is not an easy task. But we may guide you straight to the diamond seller, to meet him and verify the qualities. Later you will be guided straight to the buyer of diamonds. You can also learn how to pay only for the polishing of diamonds, how to acquire GIA or other certificates and to sell the diamonds with much higher profits than when doing rough sales.

Full services of introduction and facilitation may be provided to the right people. Please, do not mess with my email inbox, we are not a charity, and if you wish to come straight to diamond sellers or to diamond buyers, you will need to invest for all the expenses and for our service fees. There is almost no way to accomplish such introductions without paying for return flight tickets, hotels, meals and our service fees. Be ready to invest $5,000, in order to acquire this kind of knowledge and introduction to diamond business.

How to use international companies for gold and diamonds trade?

  1. Gold intermediaries and brokers may register a company in order to make professional contracts with gold sellers and gold buyers. A bank account may be located in different locations of the world. Often gold intermediaries from some areas of the world are not regarded as serious, but when trading with the international company, they may get the access to the market.

  2. Gold sellers who wish to bring gold to other countries, are often in advantage when they have their own company in the other country. For example African gold sellers may bring gold on the name of their own company to Europe, and such gold can be imported tax and duty free, with further resale to gold refineries. Such construction have been used in our group since 2010 with success. Often better prices and opportunities are open when one is moving gold and diamonds by using own companies in both the export and import country.

  3. International companies may be opened to collect the income and moneys from gold and diamond profits. Bank accounts can be located anywhere in the world. With the usage of bank cards and bank accounts with online banking, one may have a quick access to money. Swift wire transfers are available on such bank accounts.

  4. Some companies wish to enter the trade with SWIFT and bank guarantees, and in such case, it is often priority to have a proper company that may have the access to the banking market of such guarantees.

Schedule of Fees for International Gold and Diamonds Related Companies

The service offered and described on this page, may be provided by our US partner company RCD™ Wealth and sometimes directly by our company. The fees described here are mostly final, but there may be annual fees for renewals and reporting requirements.

Gambian Company for Gold and Diamond Trade or Holding

Gambian company for gold and diamond trade or for holding purposes may be registered for the fee of $800. This kind of company is fully anonymous as the name of the owner and manager is not disclosed in the public registry. We can help any businessman to open a bank account with the Eco Bank in Gambia. There is no need to arrive to Gambia to get this kind of a company registered as everything may be handled on distance. The company is not going to pay taxes as it is located in the tax free zone. There is no need for the office. Company may be used to immediately and quickly buy gold in Africa or sell it to Dubai. Connections to best refineries and to sources of gold are included with this kind of service.

Tanzanian Company for Gold, Diamonds, or Gold Mining

Tanzanian companies for gold trade, diamonds trade or for gold mining business are registered as part of the service Start Your Own Gold Mine. The service fee to start a new gold mining activity in Tanzania is $22,000. This fee includes the equipment, the mining license, the consulting and guidance, accommodation on the mining site and various privileges. We also help our clients to receive machinery to produce the first kilogram of gold.

Not everyone is going to have success in business as that is what experience has shown. But with persistence and following of our advises, it may be well possible to make it right.

A single incorporation or registration of a company in Tanzania with the license to buy gold and trade gold is $3,000. Please remember that if a foreign person or company wishes to buy gold or diamonds in Tanzania that special permit is required that is more expensive than $3,000. We register a new company in Tanzania for less money, and that includes many of the facilitation services that otherwise would not be available if you are doing it on your own. This kind of service is separate from the Start Your Own Gold Mine service.

Canadian Companies for Gold and Diamonds Trade

With our Canadian partner we may provide a quick incorporation of provincial corporation or federal Canadian corporation. If you intend to bring gold or diamonds to Kitco or other refinery in Canada, your own Canadian company may be your big advantage.

Incorporation and service fee is $1,600 and this fee includes full introduction to Canadian gold refineries and opportunities to import gold or other precious metals or diamonds.

United States Companies for Gold, Diamonds, or Holding Purposes

United States companies such as LLC or Limited Liability Companies may be used for gold and diamonds trade, but also for holding purposes. We are often going to use a U.S.A. company to hold a Tanzanian company when there are mining activities involved. Sometimes U.S. based LLC companies are going to be used for the tax-free trade of gold and diamonds world wide.

A single incorporation or registration of a company in the United States may have a fee of $400 to $1200 and more, depending of the services asked. If we are incorporating or registering a company for U.S. citizen, we charge normally $400. Such company cannot easily obtain a bank account outside of the United States.

Foreign people who wish to use the U.S. company for international gold and diamonds trade, they may require the internationally verified documents of a company, so that company may acquire an international bank account. In that case the incorporation fee is usually $800 and includes the bank account introduction, with one or more banks world wide.

Full service and support fee is $1,200 for U.S. based companies, and includes introduction to best gold refineries and the know how on how to properly conduct international import and export of gold or diamonds, and other precious metals or gemstones.

United Kingdom Companies for Gold and Diamonds

Many are aware that Hatton Garden is a known place in London for sale and purchase of gold and diamonds. With the incorporation of UK company for the fee equivalent to $700 we may introduce you to Hatton Garden gold refineries that are going to buy your gold for best prices.

A full service fee would be $1,600 that includes importation facilities and support for the full line of gold and diamonds transactions.

Irish, Slovenian, Croatian Companies for Gold and Diamonds

With our best connections in Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, we can help you open and register companies in those countries. You could be buying gold within a week already, it is all up to you.

Registration of companies in these countries have a unified fee of €1,600 and that includes your accounting for one year, the physical street address, and opening of a bank account.

With the full fee of €2,600 you will be introduced to several best and LBMA approved gold refineries that are going to accept gold that is brought to them by Irish, Slovenian or Croatian company.

Importing African Gold to European Union Was Never an Easy Task

Importing African gold to European Union was never an easy task. African gold is often connected to child labor, terrorist financing, money laundering, and polluted gold containing heavy metals, cadmium, mercury or other poisons.

We deal with all these matters transparently, and may help with the proper gold preparation so that it may be imported into European Union and that it can be sold for best prices.

Up to 30-50 kilograms of gold, imported from Africa, may be handled by using a Slovenian, Croatian or Irish based company.

New Zealand Companies for Purchase of Gold from Indonesia, Philippines and Asia

New Zealand companies are the right vehicle, that may be used in a tax-free manner, to purchase gold from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines and other Asian countries.

Incorporation and registration service for New Zealand company is $1,200 and this fee includes the full support for the commencement of trade and introduction to gold miners selling gold for good prices.

Actual travel to Papua New Guinea or Indonesia is several thousands dollars service that has to be arranged with us.

Contact us for your inquiry, write an email first, and let us know who you are and what do you wish to achieve. Your inquiry will be assessed and you will engage in conversation with the consultant.


Send your inquiry to GOLDIVANTI LP

Contact GOLDIVANTI LP now. There is a simple rule at GOLDIVANTI LP: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2009, and the only way we know

Contact Mr. Jean Louis by Telegram icon Telegram at username @rcdrun.

       All your inquiries are subject to GOLDIVANTI LP's website Terms and Conditions

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