Equipment for Sale
- Standard crucibles and high quality crucibles for gold melting
If you are new in gold melting you should first understand what is graphite. Graphite is carbon and it is the same chemical element that makes a diamond and pencil. Crucible is a vessel made of material that does not melt easily which is used for high temperature chemical reactions. Graphite does not melt easily, so majority of crucibles are made out of graphite. On the picture you may observe the texture of the standard crucible and the texture of high quality crucible. If you are to melt gold… - Hallmarks for gold bars and acids for assaying of gold jewelry
These are hallmarks for gold bars with letters and numbers which we use in our secure purchasing procedure or for simple marking of gold bars. The principle of these hallmarks stamps is simple. When we are buying gold, we will first melt it, then assay it completely, and mark it with our code, number, and record its dimensions and the image of the gold bar on the scale. At that point, we may give back the gold bar to the seller until the cash has been paid out. That is a security process so that… - Gold Melting Furnaces for 3 kilograms
Gold melting furnaces are perfect for international gold traders. When traveling anywhere in the world to purchase gold, you should have your own equipment that fits into your luggage, that is the gold melting oven, the density scale, and small drills and tools, to make sure you are not being tricked. Skilled gold buyers are using efficient equipment with methods to keep them safe in any gold transaction.
Send your inquiry to GOLDIVANTI LP
Contact GOLDIVANTI LP now. There is a simple rule at GOLDIVANTI LP: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2009, and the only way we know
Contact Mr. Jean Louis by Telegram at username @rcdrun.
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