FCO or “Full Corporate Offer” is a Fraudulent Document
n The abbreviation “FCO” when abbreviated from “Full Corporate Offer” is a fraudulent document. There is absolutely no serious business book or litterature that describes usage of a Full Corporate Offer.
My name is Jean Louis. You can see me below on the picture. This is back in time in 2012, when I was working with our gold refinery company in Slovenia, Europe. We were mostly purchasing and selling gold, rather than refining.
In the course of my gold trading experience I have never stumbled upon the “Full Corporate Offer”
As simple as that, “Full Corporate Offer” does not exist in the real world of gold trade. I was selling gold to various companies in Europe, including some of the below mentioned companies:
- Star Refining
- Safimet
- and several others well known gold buyers in Germany and Austria
None of them requested me such a non-sense of a document named “Full Corporate Offer”.
In the whole course of real gold trade we have never been asked to provide a “Full Corporate Offer”. We work together gently and I was asked to visit the gold refineries, and gold buyers. I was asked to make a quotations, simple offers, but never with the terminology “FCO” or “Full Corporate Offer”.
Over the years from 2009 to 2016, we have got literally thousands of Internet offers for gold, for diamonds, by supposed buyers, supposed sellers, supposed mandates, brokers, intermediaries, and so many have asked or demanded to send the fraudulent kind of a document named “Full Corporate Offer”. In the real business there is no such thing.
I have approached maybe 30 various and different gold refineries in Europe, and none of them ever used in their life “Full Corporate Offer”. Here are some of companies I have been talking to, some of largest gold refineries:
What is the Full Corporate Offer?
Maybe some of companies in the past have used this term in the legal sense and have provided a full offer to some of their clients or suppliers.
But over the time, this has changed drastically.
The term Full Corporate Offer is used exclusively on Internet by wannabe buyers, sellers, brokers or intermediaries.
They simply think it is a serious document.
But they miss the definition of the words:
- full
- corporate, and
- offer
Full means complete, entire, with all details. But yet, all the Full Corporate Offers in circulation on Internet are not complete, not entire, and lack important details.
How can that be a full corporate offer, if there is no name of the director, manager or the company?
How can it be possible to have “Full Corporate Offer” where the non-existent element Aurum Utallium or Aurum Utallum is being offered? This element does not exist in the periodic table of elements. Gold is aurum. There is no “Utallum” or “Utallium”. This terminology belongs to Internet gangs of wannabe buyers, sellers, broker or intermediaries.
Corporate relates to a corporation, company, entity or incorporated body protected be some of the jurisdictions or countries. But yet, such “Full Corporate Offers” often lack any information about any company. What in the world is then “corporate”?
Avoid using the fraudulent terminology
I am asking anyone who has good will and good intentions to understand that such a document named “FCO” or “Full Corporate Offer” does not exists and is not used in the real world of gold trade.
If you don’t agree, go your way. Do not contact us. I do not need your FCO or “Fraudulent Cheaters Offer” and I am never going to provide you with the “Full Corporate Offer”.
In fact, if you ask me for the FCO, you tell me you either lack substantial knowledge of the gold trade, as a beginner in the business or wannabe to make money, or you are member of the fraudulent gang, trying to deal with fake gold to me.
Refrain from the fraudulent terminology, as I am classifying you in the part of my database as “potentially suspicious”. I don’t take seriously people who use this kind of fraudulent terminology.
It is fraudulent because it is used by fraudsters, criminals. They send that kind of documents named “FCO” or “Fraudulent Corporate Offer” to their potential “buyers”. And those buyers are so often wannabe brokers pretending to be buyers, but they don’t know nothing about the gold.
It may hurt your feelings.
It is better that this article hurts your feelings, than that it hurts your or our bank account.
As when the fraudulent gang has taken your money upfront for the gold deals, all based on the “Full Corporate Offer” - it will be too late for you to get this lesson.
If you are learning it now, before the worst happened, better for you.
Answer to website reader
Sir, I am reading your post about FCO, Full Corporate Offer Letter.
Thanks for reading the article
I am gold trader since 2010, that is now 13 years.
I know companies that buy gold in Europe, in Germany, Austria, UK, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, then I know companies in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, then I know South American mining sites, and Peruan, and American, then Indonesian and Australian, and refineries in United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and so on.
None of us ever used “FCO” abbreviation or asked for it.
I have been using and still use Money Laundering rules, acts, and laws that are imposed in European Union, and such rules demand to know background of parties dealing with. Those rules tell you what is the full set of information required for gold dealing.
It is however, very contradictory that “Full Corporate Offer” documents by majority of time not even contain a name of company selling whatever, neither phone, numbers or any contact information.
Thus the title “Full Corporate Offer” defeats the purpose of itself.
By majority of times “FCO” was related to fake dealing. Any real gold offer we found, was never advertised by using “FCO” abbreviation.
Because “FCO” is widely spread by criminals on Internet, some people with good intention start learning from criminals and actually adopt the fraudulent terminology in gold trading.
You may belong in that group of people, where you genuinely try to do the business, but in your dealing you encounter all the times some “FCO” and now find my article which is contradictory to everything you knew before.
FCO is well known as wishy-washy, fishy, fake and fraudulent documents that even when document is true, and deal is true, it is recommended that you never use the abbreviation that does not exist in any of business administration schools and universities.
It is recommended that you gather or get books about business and learn from there and apply what is ordinary expected to be found in genuine business.
All my interactions with buyers/sellers they always refer to the FCO and consider this document part of best practices for seller to provide to potential buyer.
According to my knowledge of money laundering rules from European Union, and applying various checklist, I would say that if you did not verify well that “buyer is buyer” or “seller is seller” and if you do not have identification documents, KYC, due diligence, and did not verify their premises, and met them, you simply do not have enough information to claim that you know a “buyer” or you know “seller”.
Majority of buyers are gold refineries that are well known, for example https://www.ipmr.com for which one may not need to gather much due diligence, as company information is available in public and physical offices easy to reach.
The fact that you were indoctrinated or taught uncritically that “FCO is part of best practices” tells me that you never completed any gold deal.
I bet on it, and I will offer you a vacation in Uganda with wildlife adventure, if it happens to be contrary.
Your post says the opposite.
Because my post is objective truth.
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