Mineral processing plant in Tanzania on 14th September 2012

Mineral processing plant in Tanzania on 14th September 2012

This view is one of the “Aha” moments that happened in my life. That is where we realized how gold may be mined, obtained, processed, recovered for profits. Even though we already had some of contracts for mining ventures in sight, this was the first practical cognition.

I have realized that people are leaching gold with cyanide, and purchasing heaps of gold bearing tailings.

At that time I was myself in conflict with the chemicals, such as mercury or cyanide.

After long research I have decided to use the American and patented methods and equipment that is able to completely replace the cyanidation and leaching of gold.

Soon we excluded all chemicals from our strategy of mining in Tanzania.

Mineral processing plant in Tanzania on 14th September 2012

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