Jean Louis
Organization of Trade & Mining Business
United States (Rick Phipps): +14158320132
Straight call: link:tel:+256706271008 Telegram: or XMPP Chat, our network: +256706271008 Telegram: or XMPP Chat, our network:
Kyebando Central, Kampala, Uganda

Date: Tuesday, 01/24/2023 12:07:10 PM

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have found your contact information on the Internet or on your website. As you promote lithium, so we want to become your supplier of lithium ores.

My name is Jean Louis, I am from Europe, lived in Germany and speak Italian, German, English and Serbo-Croatian. You can talk to me with the contact information mentioned above. I have the number in Austria that you can reach me, but I’m now in Uganda.

We have our company in USA, so you may communicate with our US officer.

Our lithium ore can be exported from Uganda and Tanzania. We have prepared 500 tons and can provide more quantities according to your needs and wishes.

Please send us your technical and trade conditions for the deliveries of lithium ores to your company. Also indicate your price that you would pay for 4% and 8% lithium ores, spodumene, with Lithium Oxide.

In the next step we will present preliminary ore tests from our site. Then we can arrange other details of the trade.

If you are not a direct buyer of lithium ores, you can forward this request to other buyers.

You can find the PDF file of this offer in the appendix of E-mail or on Internet:

Pictures of Lithium ores at mining site:

Kind regards,

Jean Louis

Company phone (Airtel): +256706271008

GOLDIVANTI GOLD LIMITED is private company limited by shares having the registration number 80020000625057, and registered in Uganda with shareholders being GOLDIVANTI LP from Scotland, United Kingdom, and Start Your Own Gold Mine LLC, Colorado, United States.
